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Code Profiler (Memory usage: real - 12582912, emalloc - 10935504)
Timer Id Time Avg Cnt Emalloc RealMem
cache_frontend_create 0.011783 0.005891 2 645,424 0
magento 0.072303 0.072303 1 7,010,352 8,388,608
·  store.resolve 0.007595 0.007595 1 533,840 0
·  session_start 0.000980 0.000980 1 28,152 0
·  EAV: Magento\Eav\Model\Config::_initEntityTypes 0.000195 0.000195 1 28,336 0
·  EAV: Magento\Eav\Model\Config::getEntityType 0.000267 0.000267 1 13,840 0
·  EVENT:customer_session_init 0.000669 0.000669 1 475,704 0
·  EVENT:controller_front_send_response_before 0.000420 0.000420 1 11,584 0